What is Kava?


What is Kava?

If you’re looking for a relaxing but safe, healthy alternative to alcohol, kava might be for you. Kava is becoming increasing popular and widely accepted in the US - especially in St. Petersburg. So what is it?

Kava, also known as Kava Kava, is made from the roots of the pepper plant, Piper Methysticum. It originated in the South Pacific Islands, including Fiji, Vanautu, and the Solomon Islands, where drinking Kava is very common. Kava has been used for both ceremonial and social occasions for over 3000 years, and is traditionally served in a coconut shell and shared in a group setting.

In Fiji, the tradition is to wait until everyone has their shell of Kava. Then, the group leader will shout “bula”. Everyone else responds with “bula” and the group enjoys their Kava together. Bula is similar to “cheers” but literally translates to “life” in Fijian.

At InVision Cafe, everybody can enjoy kava at their own pace - but we often drink together, just like tradition, as a community.

What are the effects of kava?

Most people describe kava as relaxing and calming, and because of this, it is also known to promote sociability and is great for relieving stress and anxiety. Kava is said to “clarify the mind” and bring a general sense of wellbeing. The effects of kava typically last for a couple hours, depending on how much you drink. 

Can I drink kava and drive?

Unlike alcohol, kava does not impair you in any way. Kava does not affect judgment, rational thinking or motor skills. While we suggest that, like everything, kava should be used in moderation - kava does not induce aggressive or risky behaviors, and won’t give you a hangover the next day. This is why many people have started consuming kava as an alternative to alcohol.

Kava is approved by the FDA as a dietary supplement.

The “Reverse Tolerance” of Kava

Unlike alcohol (and most things), kava has what we call a “reverse tolerance”. This means, your first time trying kava, you will probably need more to feel the effects. However, after drinking kava more often, or on a regular basis, you will begin to feel its effects while consuming less. This is because your body “learns” how to process it, and the benefits of kava will become more apparent with continued use. Kava works because of its active ingredients, called “kavalactones”. These give kava its stress-relieving effects.

What does kava taste like?

By itself, kava is said to have an “earthy” taste - somewhat bitter and slightly peppery. Most people describe a mild “mouth numbing” sensation - this is perfectly normal and due to the kavalactones found in kava. This sensation usually lasts for no longer than 10 minutes.

Can I mix kava with alcohol?

Kava is digested in the liver, and can increase the effects of alcohol. We recommend that alcohol is avoided for up to 24 hours before and after having kava. We strongly advice against mixing alcohol with kava, because of the natural mild “detoxing” effects of kava, and since both are processed by the liver. Kava works best on an empty stomach, and a light meal is suggested after consuming kava.

How does kava compare to alcohol?

Kava is subtle and works holistically with the body and mind. These qualities of kava make it greatly appreciated by those who use it - especially by those with lifestyles that require mental clarity.

Kava promotes sociability, community, friendliness, cooperation and tranquility. It does not impair mental clarity or awareness, and tends to improve it, as well as enhances cognitive performance. Kava can help you concentrate, focus and overcome stress and anxiety. However, in large quantities, kava can make you sleepy - but unlike alcohol, it will never make you aggressive, irresponsive, or give you a hangover.

Who should not drink kava?

We recommend that the following people do NOT consume kava:

  • Kava should not be consumed by pregnant women

  • Women who are breastfeeding their babies

  • People suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or any other mental conditions before consulting a medical professional

  • People taking any medications that act on the central nervous system

  • Kava should not be consumed in large quantities when driving or operating machinery

Is kava safe to consume and is it addictive?

While kava can be extremely relaxing, it is typically known to actually improve cognitive performance, self awareness, mental clarity.

There have not been any major side effects associated with consuming kava. It is important to note that you should drive water and stay hydrated while consuming kava, as drinking large quantities of kava can be dehydrating and also dry out your skin.

We do recognize, that with most things with recreational or medical purposes, there is a habit-forming potential. For this reason, we suggest that kava is used in moderation, especially when you are still figuring out how you personally react to its effects. If you take any medications or suffer from any health conditions, you should always consult a medical professional before consuming kava. We make no medical claims about kava and it is not intended to cure, diagnose or treat any medical conditions.